Ramadan and Eid’s campaigns fostered a feeling of togetherness in 2022.
The essence of Ramazan is to celebrate the festival as a family, with a focus on the spirit of the season and forgiving. This year, brands from all over the world took this essence and used it to create some really deeply moving Eid Campaigns for 2022.
“This Eid-Ul-Fitr the Koolest thing to do is hugging empathy, love, and kindness. So, once you choose to do that don’t forget to celebrate with delicacies and Amul Kool.” quoted Amul India.
Go all out for Eid celebrations by using #UberRentals to get to as many places as you need to be! Stated uber India with Eid creative.
When Eidi can brighten up your day, why not let Tide brighten up your laundry too?
Taking everything into consideration, here are some statistics for the 2k22 Eid campaign.
93% of users have an active mood with 3% anxious, and 4% calm.
With total mentions of 178.1k and engagement of 2.9M. Taking on a note there were 99.5% mentions on Twitter, 0.38% on Instagram, 0.11 on Facebook, and 0.01% on youtube.
Noting the engagement on these platforms, Twitter has 46.61% and 51.1% on Instagram. Meanwhile, Facebook and youtube have 1.99% and 0.3% respectively.
The total number of uniques authors of this campaign are 99.1k. With 99.72% on Twitter, 0.14% on Instagram, 0.13% on Facebook, and youtube with 0.02%.
Moving on to sentiments of whereas users the campaign had 80% positive sentiment. While 17% have neutral and 3% have negative.
Please let us know if we missed any of your favorite Eid Campaigns 2022 in the comments section below.
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